Saturday, January 19, 2008

Reaction to 'Salvation'

The story Salvation was an awfully interesting story. I, personally, am not a religious person at all but this story did show me something. I guess sometimes we don't realize how literal children take things that we say to them. In this story, the aunt, did not realize that she did make a mistake. She should not had told her nephew, Langston, that he'd be going to church and would be getting saved by Jesus right after seeing this bright light shine in his face. This young child, of course, went into the church and sat there with other kids like he was told to do by his aunt. And because of what he was told, he ends up thinking that he has lied to the church, to Jesus, and to his aunt. Langston really was expecting to see this light and feel this strong connection to Jesus as he sat there. And that is where his aunt's mistake came in, she did not have to tell him that he'd be literally seeing and feeling all of this. But I guess she really did not realize that he would take what she said to him literal and would be waiting on this light.

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