Saturday, April 5, 2008

College Pressures

College and high school have many differences. High school in a sense just helps to prepare students for college. One of the things they have in similar is pressures. They're slightly different pressures, however. In high school the type of pressures that students probably experience include mostly a lot of peer pressure. On the other hand, college students face more pressures. Peer pressure, financial pressures, parental pressures, and self-induced pressures. In this essay, the author explains how all these different pressures affect students' lives. First off, peer pressures involve friends talking their friends into missing class to head to the beach or just simply to hang out and probably have lunch. Financial pressures play a large role for college students because tuition's no joke. Many students do not qualify for financial aid, therefore they must pay for all classes not to mention books and class materials. Of course there are also personal expenditures such as gas, clothing, and food. Parental pressures for college students deals with the fact that many parents decide what they want their children to study. Because the parent, as well as their parents, may be doctors so they want their children to continue on with the same profession. Lastly self-induced pressure has to do with oneself. I'd say it involves competition and putting yourself down when failing a test or getting a bad grade on a paper. Overall college pressures affect students greatly but they must be fought out. College should be an enjoyable, never-forgotten experience.

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