Thursday, April 17, 2008

Territorial Behavior

The essay “Territorial Behavior” is one of the readings that bring up smirks to readers simply because we realize that what it’s saying is true. The facts that are mentioned in this story are different things that we know are true but never really think about. The first part deals with Tribal territory. This one basically is based on closeness that we have for those of our culture. It’s how we defend and protect our tribe and such. Secondly, the author talks about Family territory. Family territory is based on the way we, as a family, decorate our spaces. Most families’ homes look completely different and special on the inside and the outside. The fact that we can do this, allows us to show off personality and difference. The final territorial behavior is the personal territory. With personal territory, the author mentions how people usually sit somewhere and will put their belongings beside them to avoid others from sitting too close. Overall, this essay was really good.

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